Day 30 - walk and light yoga. Thanks so much for this gift of community and checking in throughout September, Mia!

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Oct 1Edited

Thank you everyone who showed up for themselves this past month! I know it's not easy and I know everyone has many responsibilities - but life is easier when we put ourselves at the front of our lives. Keep making yourself the priority!

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Day 29- a run

Day 30- a walk

Holy cow, we did it!

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Sure did!!! Thank you Chelsea for being part of this and part of my day as well. xx mia

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Day 30! 45 minute walk. Mia, thanks so much for creating this challenge.

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Margaret, thank you!!! Thanks for showing up every day - this was such a nice touchstone for me as well.

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Day 29 - 35 min hike

Day 30 - 30 min walk

Was nice to have this check-in/accountability! My weekend outings are pretty much a given but sometimes it’s harder to do what I plan to on a weekday. This really helped me not shorten or skip those (aside from the one day where I forgot to do my remaining 10 mins after the work fire drills finally died down).

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Thank you so much for doing this with me Melissa!!! I love that you were so committed!

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From Day 29- walked with my two favorite humans (husband and son) through a botanical garden, around 1.5 hours. A slow pace so we could enjoy our surroundings.

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Day 25 and 26 - travels and long meeting days so walked around when I could and stretched. Day 27 30 min walk. Day 28 30 mins yoga. Day 29 2 hr hike.

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Day 29 - zone two on the bike

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Day 28. Almost 13,000 steps so that would be more than 30 minutes.

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Day 28 - yoga with Seane Corn

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Day 27 13hr shift steps!

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Day 28 - 35 min hike

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Day 27 and 28-

Chasing after my baby always

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Day 27, a travel day. Lots of delays due to the weather so I’ve been walking around the airport. At least an hour today, will walk some more. Great people watching!

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Day 27 - 35 min walk

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Day 26 - 30 min walk

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Day 24- weight training

Day 25 and 26 - yoga

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Day 26 - squat/pull workout.

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Day 25 (yesterday) peloton 30 min

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Day 26, 35 minute walk.

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Day 25 - 45 minute walk

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Day 25, a 30 minute walk this morning. Nice start to the day.

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Day 24 - 30 mins walking

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Day 23 was all about yard and house work. Not sure that counts, but I was really active up till dinner. Day 24, 45 minutes water aerobics.

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Day 24 - 30 min walk

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Day 22 and 23

Chasing my baby around !

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Day 23 - yoga and some upper body strength training with some steps tossed in.

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Day 23 - 35 min walk

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Day 22 (yesterday) peloton, Day 23/24 Working, loads of steps to come

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Day 20 - 30 min walk

Day 21 - 45 min hike

Day 22 - 45-ish min beach walk

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Day 22 - 15 mins intervals each stair stepper and rower for 30 mins total; lower body strength training; walking.

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Day 21, 45 minutes water aerobics

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Day 21 - 60 mins walk

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Day 20 (yesterday) full body wt training. Day 21 - Runyon canyon hike

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Day 21- weight training pull and obliques

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Sept 16 - 30 min walk, 30 mins strength training; Sept 17-19, 30 mins walking; Sept 20 - 75 mins walking

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Day 20, 45 minute aqua pump class

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Day 19 (yesterday) - long beach walk

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Day 19- Qigong class

Day 20- weight training - legs push abs

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Days 18 + 19 - 30 minute walk before work each morning

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Day 18, 40 minute walk. Day 19, 30 minutes arm strengthening

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Day 18 - 30min of rebounding + ab work. Feeling so much better today since taking yesterday completely off. Lesson learned - don't work 4 shifts in a row :)

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Day 18- 45 minutes of Yoga

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I am feeling exhausted today after 52 hours working in the last 4 days. But this soft challenge and all of your showing up is energizing me to continue showing up as well. It just may be later in the day today :)

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Day 15 - 35 minute hill walk

Day 16 - 21 min walk (had to deal with work emergencies and thought I would make up for it later but forgot 😕)

Day 17 - 30 min walk

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Day 16, 45 min walk. Day 17, 40 min walk.

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Day 17- weight training - glutes back triceps

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Day 16- weight training

Legs shoulders biceps

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Day 14, 15, and today 16 - all work days. 10K+ steps. Doing what I can, when I can, while I can. XX

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Day 15, knee and shoulder strengthening plus some balance work. 30 minutes

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