Tell us your first name, age, and where you live.
Where are you on your sober journey? (For example, sober curious, sober serious, California sober, other, no label, etc.)
What scared you the most about becoming a non-drinker? What excites you now?
What does it look like when you are kind and nourishing to yourself?
How do you spend your free time? Or the time that you used to spend drinking or recovering from drinking?
What’s the coolest thing you’ve done as a non-drinker?
What is a narrative around sobriety that you would like to demolish?
What does socializing look like now for you?
What is the best advice you’ve found to be the most useful? And/or the worst (laughable) advice.
What is your favorite book to recommend?
Share a favorite recipe. It can be food, a mocktail, or both.
Describe a day well spent.
Looking back, would you do anything different? Or in a different way?
What is your favorite way to regulate your nervous system? (aka, How do you chill the F out now?)
What’s your advice to anyone who may be looking for inspiration to quit?
OPTIONAL: If you want people to connect with you more, leave your contact info, such as your IG/TIKTOK/Substack or email.
Please copy and paste these questions with your answers into an email and send them to MIA@THESOBERGLOW.COM
This is open to all. Everyone can answer, and everyone can read them.
Please share only your experience and what is true for you.
As always, please be kind to yourself and others.
I will be sharing them on a weekly basis.
Thank you so much for participating!
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Choosing to Live Alcohol-Free: COMMUNITY Q&A.
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Tell us your first name, age, and where you live.
Where are you on your sober journey? (For example, sober curious, sober serious, California sober, other, no label, etc.)
What scared you the most about becoming a non-drinker? What excites you now?
What does it look like when you are kind and nourishing to yourself?
How do you spend your free time? Or the time that you used to spend drinking or recovering from drinking?
What’s the coolest thing you’ve done as a non-drinker?
What is a narrative around sobriety that you would like to demolish?
What does socializing look like now for you?
What is the best advice you’ve found to be the most useful? And/or the worst (laughable) advice.
What is your favorite book to recommend?
Share a favorite recipe. It can be food, a mocktail, or both.
Describe a day well spent.
Looking back, would you do anything different? Or in a different way?
What is your favorite way to regulate your nervous system? (aka, How do you chill the F out now?)
What’s your advice to anyone who may be looking for inspiration to quit?
OPTIONAL: If you want people to connect with you more, leave your contact info, such as your IG/TIKTOK/Substack or email.
Please copy and paste these questions with your answers into an email and send them to MIA@THESOBERGLOW.COM
This is open to all. Everyone can answer, and everyone can read them.
Please share only your experience and what is true for you.
As always, please be kind to yourself and others.
I will be sharing them on a weekly basis.
Thank you so much for participating!