Summer 24 - Substack billing paused!
Thirty years ago, I was 17 years old (how is that even possible!?), had just graduated from high school, and was about to have one of the best summers of my life before heading to California for my first year of college. I had zero responsibility, a little cash, an amazing friend group, a reputation for being wild, easy access to all kinds of alcohol and beyond, and a whole lotta energy to do anything I wanted.
I had no idea that I would only last three months in California but would be back living there in thirty years with a bit more responsibility, certainly more cash, more friends, the same reputation, surprisingly zero alcohol, and a lot less teenage angst and energy…..but with a hell of a lot of desire to feel that same freedom I did back in the sweet summer of 94’.
While I no longer romanticize wildly and recklessly partying on a hot summer’s day, I sure as hell am going to still romanticize hot summer days. This starts with my decision to take the summer off from consistently writing here on a weekly basis so I can fully immerse myself in the art of il dolce far niente. This is not to say I won’t pop in with a list of goodies here and there, but I am taking myself off the hook from being here every week to fully enjoy myself and my time outside and offline. This is the best way I can imagine to give myself a reboot so I can come back with a fresh, clean, and clear perspective on all the things I love to write about….and maybe with some new ideas in tow.
What does this mean for you?
I have paused all monthly and yearly billing subscriptions to this Substack for the summer. With this pause, I also invite you to romanticize your own summer adventure offline.
All monthly subscribers ($7) will continue to have access to all the newsletters from the last two years.
All yearly subscribers ($70) will continue to have access to all the newsletters from the last two years.
All free subscribers will still have access to the free newsletters on the platform. However, you will not be able to upgrade to the paid subscription (monthly or yearly) until I reinstate billing again at the end of the summer.
No one will be charged again until I reinstate billing at the end of the summer.
The paywall will continue to stay up. If you are already a paying subscriber, you will continue to have access to everything. If you are not a paying subscriber, you won’t be able to join until I reinstate the billing at the end of the summer.
No new subscribers. This means if you are not a paying subscriber, you will not be able to subscribe until I reinstate billing again at the end of the summer.
If you just signed up (thank you! Also, I have never paused this newsletter before), you will still have access to all of the newsletters that I have written over the past two years.
For my yearly subscribers, this “pause” does not count against the year you paid upfront for. The year will be paused and will start again once I reinstate billing. For example, if you signed up in February, your year access will end one year + two months from next February.
This pause in time and billing actually gives readers more time to catch up and peruse all of the past newsletters.
If you find this pause in billing and writing unjust in any way - please send your grievances to, and we can discuss them ;)
I hope I explained this in all the ways possible without confusing anyone!
Again, I will pop in here and there when I have something that makes me all excited and wiggly so much that I just have to share it with you.
Also!!! And probably the most exciting news for me to share is that at the end of the summer, I will be giving details about the next ALCOHOL—FREE ADVENTURE RETREAT. I will also be doing a site visit in early October and will share it all, right here, with you first! For now, the date and location are under wraps.

Be a disappointment for a while. It could be the best thing you do for your future.
-- Laura Belgray via the Marie Forleo Podcast.
I will miss hearing from you Mia - AND, I 100% support you and am inspired to make a similar change for myself. Enjoy the pants out of your summer. I will do the same - getting my body into the cool creeks of central PA, reading on my porch, sauntering with my dog, playing with my kids, writing and singing new songs... XOXO
So excited for the retreat announcement!!! Have a great summer 🌴