Hi friend,
The Sober Glow substack is my home for all the things I like to talk about on IG, only in a lengthier and more intimate way. If you are new to substack, not to fret, it’s simply a newsletter platform for writers to interact with their readers in a variety of ways. Here writing is Queen, but I am also using this space to engage with you via videos, live classes, audio, and community threads & shares. There are two parts, the main part is the same as any newsletter, and the other is the Feel Good Studio, which is an upgraded membership subscription. The Feel Good Studio is where the more detailed sharing, resourcing, and intimate conversations happen. It’s also a place where you can simply support my work if you have found it to be useful over the years on the gram.
Welcome in.
I’m so happy you are here. XX, Mia
PS as always, for a better reader experience, go to my newsletter URL or download the substack APP.
Happy Sunday morning,
Over the years I have received a variety of questions, mostly about my alcohol-free lifestyle, but also other fun and random questions. A few weeks ago, I introduced the idea of live Q&A sessions to the Feel Good Studio. I gathered a variety of questions via substack and email and chose five questions to answer via video. The questions I was unable to get to will be kept on a running list for future live and recorded Q&As.
In the first part of this newsletter, you will find the questions that were asked along with useful resources and journal prompts I shared in the recording. The second part of this newsletter is for the Feel Good Studio members where I share the actual video recording and go into a bit more detail.
Q 1
Do you ever feel, with all that you’ve accomplished, that you're still trying to prove your worth to yourself? Any guidance for breaking this cycle?
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” - Brené Brown
An article in The New York Times “How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome”.
Journal prompts:
Write out all your accomplishments.
How have all your experiences, education, and lessons blended together? Is there a common theme?
What are your strengths?
What do you like to do and what interests you?
What could you talk about for hours and hours?
Ask your close friends the same. What do they see as your best qualities? How do you show up in the world? What do they come to you for?
Do the same with someone you trust but have a more professional relationship.
Lastly an article from the Harvard Business Review “Stop Telling Women They have Imposter Syndrome” on why we should not be using the term imposter syndrome. This explains a very different and important viewpoint on imposter syndrome and one that should be considered.
Q 2
How would you relate the experience and learnings from alcohol to the younger generations? I have a college-age child and am always looking to find words & ways to discuss this with her.
Emily Lynn Paulson TedX talk video
This may not answer how to directly talk to your kids, but sharing this Ted talk in the spirit of how actions speak louder than words, and the fact that kids are always watching.
Q 3
How do you handle being around your husband and friends when they are drinking?
First, figure out what it you are and are not comfortable with. Everyone is different.
Are you tempted by other people drinking?
Are you envious of the fact that they can drink and you quote on quote can’t? (remember this is your choice, take power in this)
Are you scared for others while they drink?
Are you judging their behavior?
Are you judging your old self and possibly your past behavior, and you simply don’t want to be reminded of it?
There are so many reasons why being around drinkers may bother us. Once we can verbalize what that is, we are more likely to share it with others, and our boundaries can be claimed and set easier.
Remember that you are the one in charge of your environment. You decide what you are willing to deal with and what you are not.
Boundaries!! So very important. What are yours? Are you sharing them with your friends/family/loved ones? Don’t expect others to know how to treat you or how to act around you unless you tell them.
A friendly reminder not to be that person standing on a soap box preaching to everyone about how they should not drink. Even if everything you think is 100% true……this will never go the way you hope. I have always believed in the power of energy and teaching by showing, not telling.
Journal Prompts
What are you willing to put up with?
What are your temptations?
What are your triggers?
Do you really think other people drinking will provide you with some sort of permission to drink yourself? Do you fall into the trap of everyone else is doing it?
Explain in detail what your boundaries are. If you don’t know them, take the time to figure them out. When we don’t have a boundary line, we are likely to cross it without noticing and be in a situation we don’t want to be in.
Q 4
I remember at our Canada retreat, you shared a general statement about not trusting female relationships/interactions in the past. I said I’m glad you’ve come to trust women and you responded, “it doesn’t mean that I always do.” I was a little surprised because, despite any hesitations, you bring us together as allies and remind us to encourage each other! Thank you for this space.
-This one is big and quite tough for me to answer or even talk about in a general matter. It’s sad, and yet it’s so prevalent in our society. It is something I have been and will continue to work on within myself and my female relationships.
the Sister Wound: “Simply put, the sister wound is the pain, distrust, or dis-ease that many women feel when relating to other women. Jealousy, insecurity, cattiness, comparison, fear— these are all ways that the sister wound manifests itself in relationships with other women” -reflectivehealing.com
Learn more:
Q 5
What’s your take on Life extension/life extension Australia as a brand? Have you heard about them? Not sure which brands are trustworthy here in Oz/NZ. I will ask my integrative medicine GP once I get my recent blood test results back, but wanted your opinion as well. Thanks as always!
Mentioned in video:
Quality supplements that I continue to share. This list is by no means the only quality supplements on the market! They are just the ones I stick with on a consistent basis. I am open to trying new brands, but honestly, I love to keep things super simple, so I always come back to this list.
Podcast with founders of Seed Probiotics. I honestly don’t remember what podcast it was exactly that I listened to, but this Rich Roll podcast is most likely the one. The point is, to have an idea of who is behind the products we put our hard-earned money into and what questions we should be asking before blindly taking any supplement.
I mentioned Athletic Greens which are backed by many MDs and big wigs in the health and wellness industry. Many years ago, even my favorite chiropractor back in NYC was trying to get me to get rid of all my supplements and just take this one. But it is quite spendy, and I really do like my Amazing Grass and am ok sticking with it for now.
Questions to ask when looking at supplements and brands.
Why am I taking this supplement?
Is there a third-party testing setup?
Is there a mention of quality control?
Is there a support system/help center?
Do they have and list a mission statement?
Who are they as a company? Is there a face to the company?
Do they talk about their own research? or just copy and paste others?
Are the owners open and transparent?
Does the website look like an infomercial?
Do they list all of the ingredients?
Are the claims vague or misleading in any way?
Do they list what they won’t use?
What is their street cred? – do they have an actual reputation or is it all influencers pushing the product without any validation that they actually do what they say they do?
Who is backing these supplements and what is their credibility?
Take the time to feel it in your body by introducing it alone without other supplements. You really want to know how it works for you.
Quality over quantity!
Just because all the signs say it’s an amazing brand, it may not be for you. I talk about a very popular supplement and how it actually made me feel like sh*t when I took it. Again, no matter how great it is, if it’s not great for you, it’s not great!
Thanks for being part of the Sober Glow Substack. If you would like to read and interact more, please consider becoming a paid subscriber of the Feel Good Studio.
Below you will find the recording for the Feel Good Studio.