The Feel Good Field Guide officially launched on July 5th, 2022.
I am floored by the level of support and all your faith in what I have to offer you and this community. So just a heads up, I have zero chill regarding the excitement around sharing all of this information.
Here’s the thing, I have not reinvented the wheel. I did not create or discover firsthand all the information I will provide here in this space. But when it comes to resourcing you, I have vetted it all. With my medical background, my cynical personality until proven wrong, my ability to critically think, and of course, my nose for bullshit…..I have 100% faith that the information provided here in this space will benefit you in some way. My mission here is for you to feel good. The more women walking around in their bodies feeling good and powerful, the better this planet will be.
I am a practical gal, and I like things laid out simply, so I will provide information this way as well. I am not about doing the most outrageous things. Well, maybe I am, but not until the basics are nailed down. It doesn’t matter how many coffee enemas you are getting or how many off-the-wall supplements you take, if you are not drinking water, you’re sleeping like shit, and you haven’t had a medical check-up since Obama was in office, we have work to do.
Ok, now please allow me to share what this space is NOT. I am not here to be aspirational. Nothing I write about is to be placed on a pedestal and/or used to make others feel bad. This is not about dangling a carrot, so people will inevitably feel less than or feel it is unattainable.
Remember the famous quote,
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou.
The sentiment of this quote is exactly what I am speaking to.
I am here to resource you with multi-disciplinary ways to achieve a sense of well-being. I want you to feel inspired, uplifted, and like all this is possible, because IT IS! And lastly, I want you to make yourself a priority and to be unapologetic when it comes to feeling good in every way possible.
For the rest of the season, I will be focusing on the basics, Feel Good 101.